Thursday, 6 June 2013

I Was a Pancake Today

"Make a Sandwich already!" said Nicola as we played a 'spatial drama' game. The game was called Ten Second Objects because of course, we were in a group and we had to make an object in ten seconds. But not an easy object out of anything, but an object out of people. The sandwich was so easy because you just lay on top of each other and in my group, poor Kady had everyone lying on her.
There were other ones like that but they grew harder and harder but I had a favourite one, the breakfast. I was a pancake with Kady, Daniel was a mushroom, Hamish was something weird and Olivia was a boiled egg.

The next drama game we played was 'phychological drama' and it was called There's Only One Liar which was easy because you just close your eyes, and a teacher comes round and taps someone on the shoulder. The first round we played, she tapped no-one and the next round she tapped everyone and we went blaming everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Hello miss pancake! I enjoyed your blog keep it up pearlie as I will be eagerly watching for your updates

    Love becky
