Sunday, 13 April 2014

Typing Game

Hello there,
this morning before Enrich had started, we got  sent and email. And on that email was a typing game. We got to compete in a race. So we got given a short story to type. It was actually really fun. I raced Briana and Norton. Norton won and I came second and Briana came third.

Brain training

Hello there,
Guess what! It's the last week of Enrich for the term. I'm looking forward to the holidays.
This morning we did a thing called Brain training. It gives your brain a work out. We watched a video about it and did an activity. This is what it looked like. 

Blue  Red  Orange  Yellow  Red 

Green  Blue  Red  Yellow  Blue

Orange  Yellow  Red  Blue  Red

Yellow  Red  Orange  red  Blue

As you can see the colours don't match the words. This is what we had to do,

Say the word and not the colour the word is.(This had to be under 25 seconds)
Next we had to do the same but to a beat.
Last of all we had to say the colour of the word.

Why don't you give it a go!
Hope you have a lovely Easter and holiday. I will blog again soon!