Sunday, 30 March 2014

Questions, Questions, questions

Hello there blog readers!
I know you want to know about the question key so I'm going to tell you about it. 
Ok I was in a group with Nicola and we were using The Question Key. We had to write 3 questions (These had to be things Nicola didn't already know about us). Well anyway, on the back of the piece of paper we had to write 3 answers. Next we got 3 answers. We had to write out 3 QUESTIONS to match the answers. I have done this before at school and I thought it would be easy. They were harder than I thought though. I only got 1 of them done. 

Well see you later or should I say blog you later!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

11 scholarly habbits

Ok, you wanna learn about the scholarly habits? Well I'm going to tell you all of them.
1.  Ponder Ideas, look further than just something simple.
2. Intellectual Risk taking, do something thats out of your comfort zone.
3. Preparation, be organized for anything and have a plan B.
4. Excellence, take pride in what you do.
5. Academic Humility, if you win something or do something awesome, don't be humble.
6. Curiosity, your not that interested in something but at least try to be curious.
7. Save ides, so you have all these amazing ideas and then you lose them all because you get distracted, instead you can write them down anywhere and you'll get more done.
8. Multiple Perspectives, why look at something in one way, when you can look at it in lots of different ideas?
9. Perseverance, if you are in a hole and you can't get out, don't just give up, keep climbing and you will get to the top.
10. Varied Resources,  is when you use different things tohelp you learn.
11. Goal setting, list things you want to achieve and tick them of when you think you have completed them.

Well that is what the 11 scholarly habits are.
Blog ya next time!