Sunday, 30 November 2014


As you would know it's nearly Christmas Holidays (Wow where has the year gone?). So this is my last blog but don't worry because I shall return next year! Anyway, I hope you have a great Christmas break!
For our last day of the year we have had a lot of fun! 

  • We filled out a review sheet which was about our year at Enrich!
  • We did... JUST DANCE!!
  • We found out that Katie has had her baby!
  • We had a Shared Lunch!
  • We had 'Enrich Has Got Talent'!
And had a technology challenge!

Blog you back in 2015!!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Custom Glitter Text

You're probably wondering who this friend is. Well, I'm here to tell you. The friend was............ 
Yep performance. The last time I did performance was last year. And guess who took performance today.... Ginny. Turns out, she is a musician too! Isn't that great! Nicola isn't here but I can still do performance!

Anyway, today we showed Ginny our flashmob dance from last year. We didn't remember all of the dance steps at first but after a while, we were grooving away! And seeing as it's nearly our favourite time of the year, we also started singing (and dancing) to Christmas songs. We had a BLAST! The song that we made dance moves to was... 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town'. And we're also going to sing.... 'All I Want For Christmas Is You', probably 'Jingle Bells' and maybe 'Oh Holy Night'.

Bye, bye Amigos

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Thinking on your feet with Ginny!

Now I know what you're thinking, who's Ginny? Well she's the fill in teacher at Enrich for Nicola. Our teachers right now are Ginny, Jenni and Paul. Katie's going to be off for a while so Jenny is going to fill in for her and Nicola has a locked wrist so Ginny is going to fill in for her.

Anyway, today in thinking on your feet I was doing Impromptu Speaking. Now you are probably wondering what on earth I'm talking about. Impromptu speaking is talking about a topic. Today I got 'friends' for my topic. I was thinking that I would be really good at this speaking but it was actually harder than I thought. You get one minute to speak. I had a few ideas and then I just lost my train of thought. Anyway here are a few you could try. Set a timer or stopwatch for a minute.......

If you had a pet that could talk.....
If school was all day every day.....

Have fun.... Bye!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Hola Amigos

Hola Amigos!
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted but here I am now! How were your holidays? Mine were awesome but anyway today Im going to post about... wait no you can read to find out.

My goal for my next 7 days of Enrich for this year......

I  am going to try my hardest and to do the best of my ability!

Well good bye blog readers!

Sunday, 14 September 2014


Oh my Gosh, next week is Spring fling! Most of you will have no clue what I'm talking about! Well we have been busy creating presentations about our past. Next week we are going to present our presentations to the class. We also get to come dressed in costumes relevant to the country that we picked. I chose Samoa. I am feeling excited about the whole thing. Oh guess what else, we get to bring a plate of food too! Im not sure what Im going to bring yet, but I'll let you know next week or next term! 
For  now... Goodbye

Sunday, 7 September 2014


Hello boys and girls

What was the highlight of your day?
Mine was creating another clay mug. This time it was a person with a moustache. It actually looks pretty good but it looks fat because there were no more tall and skinny moulds.

What did you learn about someone else? 
I found about my friends secret laugh. She was laughing all afternoon about NOTHING!! It's actually quite a funny laugh:)


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Custom Glitter Text

Hello hello!

Have you heard of GarageBand? It is an awesome program that you can get on any apple device. You make music with it. I had a play around with it today and made a piece of music. It sounds pretty good if I do say so myself.     

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Hi there......

Today in art we learnt about a new artist. His name is Wassily Kandinsky. He was born in Moscow (Russia). He was an abstract artist who loved music. His artwork represents the mood of the music he was listening to. His favourite type of music was Jazz.

We had a go at his art. I found it quite slow, but kind of relaxing at the same time. Here are two links. One is of Kandinsky himself and the other is how to make one of his pieces of art.

Sunday, 3 August 2014



Today we finished off last weeks art. We have been doing Picasso faces. We have been illustrating them using pokerdots, lines and block colours. They turned out very neat. My Picasso face is Brianna.  Did you spot the figure eight, rectangle and side-on profile from last week?

Bye Bye.
Yours awesomely.... Pearl

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Artsy Fartsy fun

Hello peoples
Have you heard of Picasso? Picasso was a famous artist. Well we attempted some of his art work. It was pretty hard but we managed. I did a portrait of Briana. It looks nothing like her but it's meant to be like that. It isn't perfect.
See if you can spot the figure eight, the rectangle and the side on bit of the face.
Here it is...
My beautiful painting

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Piccadilly Circus

"Let's play Piccadilly circus," Katie said. We all headed out the door and got into a big circle.
We started with one ball and passed it around. It was pretty easy. But it was a bit hard though because we weren't allowed to TALK!!
Our best score for one ball was 29 seconds and for two balls it was                     33 seconds. Pretty good right? We had a great strategy going.
The Wednesday and Friday kids have to try and beat our scores!

Blog ya soon blog readers!

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Spring Fling!

The spring fling, it sounds pretty cool. Oh if you don't know what that is I am here to tell you. You need to know your past/family history. Anyway when you know a little bit about your culture then you can get dressed up in clothes that match your culture. For example, if you have a bit of Irish blood in you, you would probably wear a kilt!
Next comes the food. You may need to research a little to find out what kind of food your culture eats.
Well that is the spring fling!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

How scary!

"Good Morning Mia" Katie said.
"Good Morning Katie, the thing you probably didn't know about me is this."
She walked into the middle of the floor, grabbed her leg and put it in front of her tummy. She tucked it in and left it there. Gross right?

Bye bye blog readers! Blog ya next time

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Typing Game

Hello there,
this morning before Enrich had started, we got  sent and email. And on that email was a typing game. We got to compete in a race. So we got given a short story to type. It was actually really fun. I raced Briana and Norton. Norton won and I came second and Briana came third.

Brain training

Hello there,
Guess what! It's the last week of Enrich for the term. I'm looking forward to the holidays.
This morning we did a thing called Brain training. It gives your brain a work out. We watched a video about it and did an activity. This is what it looked like. 

Blue  Red  Orange  Yellow  Red 

Green  Blue  Red  Yellow  Blue

Orange  Yellow  Red  Blue  Red

Yellow  Red  Orange  red  Blue

As you can see the colours don't match the words. This is what we had to do,

Say the word and not the colour the word is.(This had to be under 25 seconds)
Next we had to do the same but to a beat.
Last of all we had to say the colour of the word.

Why don't you give it a go!
Hope you have a lovely Easter and holiday. I will blog again soon!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Questions, Questions, questions

Hello there blog readers!
I know you want to know about the question key so I'm going to tell you about it. 
Ok I was in a group with Nicola and we were using The Question Key. We had to write 3 questions (These had to be things Nicola didn't already know about us). Well anyway, on the back of the piece of paper we had to write 3 answers. Next we got 3 answers. We had to write out 3 QUESTIONS to match the answers. I have done this before at school and I thought it would be easy. They were harder than I thought though. I only got 1 of them done. 

Well see you later or should I say blog you later!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

11 scholarly habbits

Ok, you wanna learn about the scholarly habits? Well I'm going to tell you all of them.
1.  Ponder Ideas, look further than just something simple.
2. Intellectual Risk taking, do something thats out of your comfort zone.
3. Preparation, be organized for anything and have a plan B.
4. Excellence, take pride in what you do.
5. Academic Humility, if you win something or do something awesome, don't be humble.
6. Curiosity, your not that interested in something but at least try to be curious.
7. Save ides, so you have all these amazing ideas and then you lose them all because you get distracted, instead you can write them down anywhere and you'll get more done.
8. Multiple Perspectives, why look at something in one way, when you can look at it in lots of different ideas?
9. Perseverance, if you are in a hole and you can't get out, don't just give up, keep climbing and you will get to the top.
10. Varied Resources,  is when you use different things tohelp you learn.
11. Goal setting, list things you want to achieve and tick them of when you think you have completed them.

Well that is what the 11 scholarly habits are.
Blog ya next time!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Personal Key

Hi blog readers
Welcome back to the amazing world of blogs. Today I went to the 'Personal Key' with Nicola. First we  filled out a sheet. It had lots of starter sentences like I love..., I never.... and lots more. We had to switch the answers to I love and I am worried about around. I had... I am worried about flying on planes and I love my friends, teddies and family. But when I had to mix them, I ended up with I love flying on planes and I am worried about my friends, teddies and family.

Bye for now!